Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 12: Revelstoke to Golden 150km

Since we haven't really pushed ourselves since day 4 'the day of death' we decided that we had to make it to Golden today. This was to be a tough ride as halfway between the two towns lies Rodgers pass, which is one of the toughest passes of the Rockies. We got off to a late start as Agnes took around 4 hours to get ready this morning, so I caught up on some sleep. We finally got going at around 10.30 and the weather was holding out so all was good. We kept on riding and riding, we were waiting for a sign or something to indicated the start of Rogers pass but nothing showed up. We had decided that we would have lunch at the bottom of the pass to give us some energy to get up. We kept on riding and there were no signs but we were going up that is nothing unusual though. Before we knew it there was a sign saying Rogers pass summit. We had reached the top of the infamous pass that everyone had been talking up without even realising we were on it. It is going to to have to take more than that for me to break a sweat Canada, ha ha ha.
We had lunch at the summit centre as it was freezing and we needed to get inside. The lunch was poor but the cookies we had afterwards were brilliant. The second half of the journey was spectacular as we were riding along lakes but with the Rockie mountains to our right. We ended up in Golden at around 9.30pm wet and tired as it always seems to rain at some point when we cycle. As we entered Golden Agnes got puncture number 3 of the trip. We were very tired so we stayed in a motel for the night and ordered pizza.

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