Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 50: Near Pancake Bay to Desbarats 153km

Today turned out to be a pretty decent day. It started off with a great morning ride full of energy just like yesterday. We then decided to stop in Sault Ste Marie and try and hit up some computers and do laundry. We couldn't do either as the town of 75,ooo couldn't help us with either. It was almost as big of a dump as Thunder Bay. It is a shame that this amazing natural wonder has such crappy towns surrounding it. So this is part of the reason I have fallen so far behind with my blog, but also I have been too lazy to do it a few times.
After this disappointment we headed off to get as far as we could before night fall. We need an hour at least of daylight to get the tent up and cook up a gourmet camping meal. Along the way we met a guy who is walking across Canada, yes walking across. His name is Daly and he is walking to raise money for a women and children shelter. He claims that he walks 70km a day, which is crazy but I believe him he seemed genuine. While we were talking to him a Bear came running across the road headed straight for us. We all froze and just gawped at it but as soon as it got within 3 feet of us it bolted off to our left and ran into the bushes. This is most definitely the closest I want to come to one of these fine creatures. It all happened so fast we didn't manage to get a photo once again, which I am disappointed about.
We cycled on about 30km and decided to call it a day. As we entered the town of Desbarats we saw a school and so we set up camp on the field for the night, very free very nice.

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