Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 59: Mississauga to Darlington Provincial Park 108km

The days of rest have come to an end and its time to hit the road again for the final 2000km. When we set off today it felt so strange to be on the bike, four days off make a big difference. We finally got a move on around 1.00pm as it was hard to drag ourselves away from all the home comforts. The destination today Darlington Provincial Park as I didn't want to miss out on going to Darlington. We have decided to use campgrounds for the next few days as Southern Ontario is jam packed with towns, cities and farmland so there isn't much open space to camp free for the night. We also think it will be better for the safety of ourselves and the bikes.
Riding through Toronto along the Lake shore was a fantastic ride. There were huge beaches along the way packed with people and it was so different from any rides we have done due to the fact there is loads of people. On the way to Darlington Provincial Park we were constantly going through one town after the other and this made the time go much faster.
Darlington Park wasn't that great as it was the most expensive campsite we have been to and it took us till dark to locate the showers. The girl in the office gave us no directions or map so we thought it was going to be a small park and everything would be easy to find. Everything was hard to find and by the time we were showered it was dark and we still had the tent and food to deal with. So a poor show from Darlington all in all.


mim adams said...

Dan, we love your blog - especially in the dog days of summer.

John In Colorado said...

Really cool stuff. I enjoy the read!
Way to go! John